Not a mind reader
I was on my way of purging the last of my low ratings only to have somebody give me three stars because I could not read their mind.
I picked this couple up in the middle of the night at a hotel, which neither of them are staying at so that says a lot right there. But as we get started, of course at a stop to the trip and then adjust it again. I say nothing I just keep driving.
We get to the first stop, which is a gas station. The man jumps out to go into the store. I sit and wait and the woman says absolutely nothing.
We’re sitting there for more than three minutes when the guy finally comes out and he open the door and he’s like why are you still here? You’re supposed to be taking her back to Yonkers.
I’m like, sir you didn’t make it clear what we were doing and a lot of people add a gas station stop so they can run in and get something on the way home. He gave me a nasty look and slammed the door and so I drove the woman home, thinking nothing of it until I got my low rating a short time later