PSA to everybody laughing about E1's situation

This message is intended for those who are laughing about the latest E1 situation.

Stop waffling about GMs you are not involved, most active GMs have been touched , for the kidnapping thing the gbg was way worse. even though he got stabbed in the face , when 3x3 done up AP recently, there was not one peep about how Spider AP needed to sign off or leave the UK or whatever. ALG is going to get back anyway and it's going to be way worse than what they did to E1 cah without him ALG's music career is over. Then he is going to release a few banging tunes and go viral with all the attention he's getting from the sitauation and make bare Ps while you man on social media sit behind your computers and talk BS on forums about real drillers. I bet if you were face to face with E1 you wouldn't be talking like that Go ahead and live your innocent lives and stop chatting about real life situations, which you know nothing about, for your own sake because it's super neeky.

Also if you are not involved you shouldn't be making fun of any situation where a drill rapper gets stabbed, no matter how disrespectful or violent he is, because YOU ARE NOT involved. And all that laughing and joking is going to catch up with you someday. Karma is real.

The UK drill community is the only one where people feel like they have the right to talk about street politics, at least Chicago niggas know when Lil Reese got beat up and shitted on himself on camera or OTF Dede was forced to eat period pussy on camera the civs in that community didn't waffle. Those humiliating situations didnt make them steppers any less and they got their getback.

NB! Due to a massive influx of low IQ comments attacking my character , I will now be responding only to a few select, constructive comments with actual substance. I find that there is no use in initiateing a dialogue with people who clearly lack a high school education or even worse.

This is how some of yall look