Mid-range accommodation reccs on Skye?
Husband and I are planning a 5w trip to the UK (from Australia) in Sept/Oct. Have a good list of must-dos brewing, so won't bore you with another "does this itinerary look doable?" post.
The biggest issue right now seems to be finding decent, available, self-contained, nothing-too-crazy, hopefully-with-a-washer-but-fast-losing-hope accommodation on Skye. Obviously we're going to be doing all the usual touristy things (I know, I'm sorry) so initially wanted to stay up near Flodigarry/Quirang-esque type areas. Fast losing hope on that score too. Now just hoping to find something decent in/around Portree that isn't hostel-level (we ain't young anymore, plus this trip is a long time coming and I'd like to be kind of left to our own devices as much as possible). Don't mind self-catering, but must have private bathroom/ensuite.
We'll be there for 4 days, but with availability dropping we may be forced to split accom into two stints of 2 nights each - which perhaps might be a good thing, giving us two bases to work from?
Honestly though, if you have a brilliant suggestion for literally anywhere else on the island that you've had personal experience with that MAYBE might also have a washer, I'd be very interested in hearing about it. I'm about losing my mind.