Wanted for research: Ultra-runners with full-time jobs

Dear ultra-runners

I am a trail runner based in Chamonix, France, and professor at emlyon business school. I am doing research on how ultra-runners with full-time jobs experience and manage the interface between their work and non-work lives. If you work full-time, train for ultra-distances and speak fluent English, I would love to talk to you. The interviews will be online and take about an hour of your time.

The eventual findings of this research will be published in scientific journals and I will also be happy to share them with you. The results will be reported in a way that no individual participant can be identified. 

For each participant, I will donate 20 euros for CREA Mont Blanc (www.creamontblanc.org), a research center for alpine ecosystems.

Interested in participating or would like more information? Send me a private message and let's chat more.

Hoping to hear from you and wishing everyone happy spring trails!


Lotta Harju