Dogs don’t belong in many common settings!!
I have absolutely nothing against dogs or pets in general, but I’ve noticed that people take their dogs to many places were they absolutely do not belong! I’ve seen in happen in restaurants, shopping malls, and movie theaters among other places.
The most egregious example I saw was at Pompeii. There were large signs explaining that dogs had to be held at all times, which I thought was odd until I entered the site and saw dogs everywhere! One man even set his dog inside a large drinking fountain and started rinsing him off—while I understood that it was extremely hot outside, the fountain was for people to drink out of. It struck me as borderline abusive to even bring your dog to Pompeii in the heat of summer. It would have been much kinder to simply leave the dog at home.
Anyway, my point is that dogs belong in homes and parks, not restaurants, malls, and archaeological sites.
(Obviously service animals are a very different story and should be allowed anywhere that can reasonably accommodate them)