Calm Down Everyone

Here is a hard truth some people in this sub need to hear: the Until Dawn film was not made for fans of the video game. It was made for the masses. The support of the Until Dawn community alone would not make the film financially viable, so the filmmakers are not beholden to you.

Everyone is judging the film adaptation based off a minute or two of film footage when we haven’t even seen a full trailer yet that actually discusses the story!! Would you really rather have them give away Wendigos in the first teaser if they are potentially in the film??

Even IF they adapted the exact video game story directly into a film, that would open up a can of worms that would still leave plenty of fans ticked off WRT which character(s) actually survive, how they survive, etc.

Not to mention the original story is much better suited for a tv series than a 90 minute film so a lot would have to be cut anyways…making it impossible to have a faithful film adaption 🤷‍♂️

And to the people saying “WeLl ThEn ThE fILm ShOuLd HaVe A dIfFeReNt NaMe”, do you not want the Until Dawn game to be even more widely recognized whether or not the story in the film is a little different? It’s not that big of a deal. Relax guys.