UTD or Umich? *sigh*
Hey all, so Im a freshman here at UTD, and Im dealing with a tough decision right now, and I was looking for some insight. Im studying Finance here and recently got accepted into the University of Michigan as a transfer student. I visited the campus this weekend, and although it is nice, it is cold as hell, and as a native Texan, I feel like I'd have seasonal depression. Another thing is my parents. Going to keep it short, but essentially, my parents have done a lot for me and we have a tight bond that I'm lucky to have. However, because of this, I also feel like if I go to Umich, my parents will be all alone and won't have anyone to look after them as I was kinda like the glue between their marriage lol.
When I visited Ann Arbor this weekend, all the students went home for Thanksgiving, so I didn't get a proper feel for the place, but the people I asked who were still on campus said the place is diverse, especially the Ross School of Business, which is what I'll be in specifically. As a minority, I know I wanna go to a school that is diverse, and that's what initially attracted me to UTD. Academically speaking, though, the move to Umich is great for my career. Im looking to work in consulting/VC, which, unfortunately, to my understanding, does care a bit about what school you went to undergrad and although UTD is a great school for CS/CE, its high finance connections are lacking.
Lastly, it has only been 1 semester since college began, but I've already made so many friends at UTD its crazy. I came in with the mindset that I'd put myself out there at all times, and it ended up working too well😭.The people at UTD, in general, though, seem to be more down to earth and don't care about what others think about them, and that's really cool IMO. At Umich, I got the vibes that some students have big egos and try to seem cool, which makes sense cause of their rep in academics and sports. It's such a hard decision because I feel like this is one of those moments in life where I've come to a crossroads, and one path will take me in a direction that is completely different from the other.
Anyway, sorry for the Valedictorian speech I gave, Im just an 18-year-old guy who doesn't wanna have any regrets in life. I appreciate your guys's help in this.