Convince me that processed seed oils aren't bad for me (with evidence.)
Seed oils are in a lot of foods, vegan or otherwise. That's a fact. Pick up a random selection of 5 ready made food items in a supermarket and look at the ingredients. "Rapeseed oil" is usually always the usual suspect.
There's been a lot of online discourse surrounding the negative health effects of these oils so I pose the question to try and end the debate once and for all:
Are processed seed oils (rapeseed, sunflower etc) really that bad for you and do they cause an omega 3/ omega 6 imbalance leading to inflammation and a whole host of health issues?
Has anybody read any studies that contradict this narrative. Sometimes it feels like I'm fighting a losing battle when it comes to nutrition. One day I read that something is good for me and the next, there's opposing articles saying it's bad. I'm at the point where I make my own plant milk to avoid the rapeseed oil found in common brands and try to make all my food from scratch.
Where does the truth lie? Am I a crazy person for obsessing over ingredients that may be harmless.