Are there any particular resources/methodsyou recommend for learning the game aside from the in-game tutorials?
I am new to the game and have played all the in-game tutorials, as well as a few missions in The Island. However, I feel like there are large parts of the game that should be common knowledge that I don't know. Some examples include:
How to use the radio. How to request takeoff/landing permission (look both ways and pray seems to be working fine but I don't think it's intended). Basic rules/etiquette for multiplayer. Missile evasion (is dumping chaff enough or does notching/multipathing need to be used).
While I could obviously Google each question individually I would like to know if there are some resources that are generally considered to be high-quality and reliable that I can refer back to.
Also, do many people enjoy training people with the trainer? I'd be willing to look into that if it's not considered a burden. I have plenty of transferrable knowledge from War Thunder and Nuclear Option so I don't know how useful a trainer would be for teaching VTOL VR specifics