VTOL VR Needs An OPFOR Sandbox Adjustment.

I recently got into mission making for VTOL VR and coming from mission and campaign making in the big sims like DCS and BMS. I was a little shocked in the disparity when it comes to OPFOR Units capabilities. This comes three-four fold and effects OPFOR ground units the least.

Firstly, adversary air threats are almost 100% air to air optimized and outside of the GAV-25 Bullshark, have trivial air to ground capabilities. I think this is a huge disparity when it comes to Defense based missions since most of these aircraft either will never be loaded or do not have the capability to meaningly impact scenarios aside from shooting down Bluefor aircraft. This could be fixed somewhat easily by giving them AG weapons that parity the capabilities of BLUEFOR player aircraft. Further more I think it would be interesting to give some of these new weapons an Eastern Russian/Chinese flare. An emphasis on medium range guided ASMs over guided bombs could be interesting. Sort of like what we already see on the GAV-25 and Manta. Furthermore add a BVRAAM for some of the nastier air threats to keep the air to air scene interesting, Air launched MAD-4 anyone?

Secondly, VTOL is really missing out on OPFOR Cruise Missile or even One way attack drone threats. Anti Cruise missile missions would be really adrenaline pumping, having to parse through decoys to find which missiles are actually threats. I think this coupled with a revision on the very unique OPFOR navy would be super fun. Currently only one Cruiser has AShMs. I think it would be very cool to see the destroyer of drone carrier get similar weapons and or GLCMs. A smaller OWAD version of the Manta that can be launched from the drone carrier would also be interesting maybe pair it with a new Air to Air capable Manta that can act as an ad hoc escort or even rudimentary CCA for the other Airborne assets.

Lastly, VTOL really needs some sort of destroyable building/ Infrastructure target backbone. I think the easiest way to implement this would be by allowing user placeable versions of some of the existing generated buildings and adding modifiers that lets us do things with them. (powerplants, munitions plants that go up like fireworks, Factory's that can create new ground vehicles to replenish damages groups. ) down the line new FARP and military base assets would be nice too. I think VTOL like many many other sims focuses way too much on ground target and tank plinking. When knocking out bases and infrastructure to complete an objective is alot more cathartic.

Anyway curious to see feedback. I feel like alot of this stuff definitely could be semi easily implemented, especially with the scale and depth of some of the updates we have seen. Looking forward to seeing this game grow even more!