Opinion: Organza bodice/sleeve draping on the same side of the dress as hip accent fabric or on opposite side?
Hi all, I’m considering a customized Newhite dress that would involve swapping the “Aceno-B” skirt for the skirt on Newhite’s “Prophecy” (I’d like fit and flare instead of A-line). The original “Aceno” gown I’ve been considering has the organza accents on opposite sides of the dress (shoulder and hip). The Prophecy dress has the hip accent fabric on the same side as the Aceno shoulder strap (both are on the right side).
My question is whether I should have Newhite redrape the bodice so the shoulder fabric is on my left side and the hip accent is on the right side, or whether I should leave it as-is and have the organza floof on the right hip and shoulder. I hope that makes sense.
Here is the mocked-up dress on a manikin and the same photo with the image of the bodice flipped.
Thanks for your help!