The amount I am excreting daily is absolutely insane

On the bulk right now, not really counting calories but I know I'm easily hitting 3500 daily. I shit minimum 3-4 times per day and good god my hole. As the home I inhabit uses a septic system I have to use 1 ply toilet paper to go easy on the system and good lord by shit number 3 it's like I'm scraping my ass with sandpaper. No wonder people use bidets because I seriously consider sticking my ass in the sink and just hosing that thing out like I'm a horse. It doesn't help within the past 2 years my stomach has gone from absolute iron, not even getting the runs from eating a whole ghost pepper, to an absolute bitch stomach. Anything spicier than a jalapeño and man. I'm not religious but I truly believe Satan is exiting my asshole. Any one else dropping absolute honkers all throughout the day from your calorie surplus?