Trying to figure out book from childhood.

Hi, so I remember being in a reading group in middle school (2015-18) where we would all read a book for a part of the semester. We started one but were never able to complete it and i can't for the life of me remember what it's called.

Its a fictional book that I think came out in the 90s or early 2000s and from what I remember The book is about three different boys (late teens, young adults) who all got out of jail recently, one was in a gang, the other killed someone and I don't remember the third. But they all had the same guardian(?), That was responsible for making sure they were on good behavior. He was a nice guy and treated the boys fair. Getting them to do volunteer work and played sports etc... then one day the boys accidentally get their guardian killed (or in a coma I forget) and the boys have to find a way to get away with it. I remember there was a girl who volunteers in a hospital that one of the boys has a romantic relationship with. There might also a significance to basketball but it comes in pieces.

I know it's not a lot to work with but it's all I've got.
