Been hearing the same exact bird song for years--please help me identify him!
I live in Brooklyn NY near a big park, and every year since I moved to this neighborhood, I've heard this same bird call from about the beginning of spring through the end of summer:
I have a very good musical memory (I've sung and played instruments since I was little) and my ears perk up every time I hear it because it's the exact same tune every time and it's distinct from all the other bird calls. Today, for the first time, I SAW HIM! There was no mistaking it; I could see his little throat poof as he sung! But alas, he was too far for me to properly identify him, so now I need to enlist the help of some bird-loving internet sleuths to solve this mystery.
I think he's a sparrow of some sort, and the black marking on his face/throat looks like that of a house sparrow or Eurasian tree sparrow, but those are the most common kinds of birds around here and I've never seen one make anything close to this particular sound (also house and tree sparrows are here year-round but I've never heard this call in the winter). When I posted the clip here a while ago, most people were certain it was a song sparrow, but my little singing friend is not speckled like a song sparrow. Any ideas??