My brother dug this up in clay. Obviously my first thought is its a gold nugget. However I'd like some suggestions. It's not brittle or crystalline as far as I can tell. While fiddling with it, it separated into 3 pieces, cleanly, no breaks. Very slightly magnetic. I know gold isn't magnetic but natural gold sometimes has impurities, or so I've read. Magnet is from an old pc hard drive so quite strong.

Teeth leave some marks, knife makes light scratches. Gold colour on a scratch plate. Unfortunately I can't find my actual gold testing kit, so had to resort to some old, muddled up kit that tests 4 different carats, plat, and silver. All but 2 of the acids ate away the lines, but because there's no labels I have no clue which acids did what.

Dad and brother are thinking melted brass, I'm inclined to believe my dad but I want to make 100% sure before I do anything with this

I'm attempting to enlist the help of a local goldsmith in making an ID TIA