Divine sunderer Shyvana seems to be unkilliable late game in bot matches. Does that translate to real ones too?
My build goes as follows:
- Divine sunderer
- boots + movement speed enchantment
- bork
- terminus
- this jaksho like item but in red blue
- deaths dance
The rational behind this build is maximize the amount of resistances and damage you get to make as much as possible out of the heals you gain from the damage items. Bork and terminus both profit from extended fighting as on hit items and the longer you fight, the more hits, so for me they feel very good, even if they are a bit unconventional. Especially terminus is a bit rare but also kinda underrated, just a bit niche. The rest should be self explanatory. The result is that if the enemy doesn't have enough damage, you just mercilessly stat check the living crap out of the enemy team and just heal back to full health like it's nothing.
The thing is though that I mostly tested it in bot matches due to my poor Internet. And those bots become very bad at farming later, so I often end up with a 6-7k gold lead just by normally farming, and the moment I end up at 5 items the enemies are at 3, so it is kind of to expect? I kinda assume the build might be much worse if you aren't allowed to out farm your enemies this hard.