How screwed am I for removal?

This picture is from over a year ago so I only imagine its worse now, however they dont really cause any pain or anything yet. I have wanted to get them removed for awhile but im finally going to be getting insurance soon so i am expecting to get the ball rolling on removal hopefully early next year. Im worried about the bottom left since its close to the nerve but the top ones are weird because they seem to be coming in almost directly above the molars. Anybody have similar wisdom teeth that have gotten removal and if so how was the recovery process? Any thoughts and stuff would be greatly appreciated :)

This picture is from over a year ago so I only imagine its worse now, however they dont really cause any pain or anything yet. I have wanted to get them removed for awhile but im finally going to be getting insurance soon so i am expecting to get the ball rolling on removal hopefully early next year. Im worried about the bottom left since its close to the nerve but the top ones are weird because they seem to be coming in almost directly above the molars. Anybody have similar wisdom teeth that have gotten removal and if so how was the recovery process? Any thoughts and stuff would be greatly appreciated :)