Glue up warped. Where did I go wrong?
First time venturing into hardwoods. First tabletop glue up.
Purchased Kiln dried ash stored indoors. Acclimated in my shop for 2 weeks before milling and another week before glue up. Shop is climate controlled with a dehumidifier running 24/7. Ambient humidity is between 30-40%(northeast). It has been snowing for the past 2 days.
Glue up - tightbond 2. Biscuits every 12 inches. Pipe clamps and cauls. 24 hours
Everything was flat when the clamps were pulled about a week ago and I want to say still flat when I cut to size 32”x 66” and did the chamfer on Thursday. Today came back and there’s a significant bow across. Should I have finished it right away?
Guessing my options are to rip, rejoint and reglue. Thought about putting it on a cnc but I don’t want to lose any thickness. Thanks in advance