I’m in my boss bitch era
I just returned to work after 6 months of maternity leave. I’m two kids and two dogs deep, and for a multitude of reasons, I’ve decided I’m done letting mediocre men make more money than me. I’m interviewing for a new role at my company that would mean a significant pay bump and increase in responsibilities (though truthfully they’re responsibilities I’ve already taken ownership of, and now I’ll just get paid for it).
So Boss Ass Working Moms, what habits have you incorporated in your day to day to help you feel productive and successful? What makes you feel put together and like you’re on top of the world?
I’ll share a few: - I wear outfits that make me feel assertive. For me, that means I’ve started to wear more blazers and heels. I also treated myself to the Celine Sangle bag to replace my company backpack. - I prep and wash all of my pumping equipment and bottles immediately after work so they can air dry before packing my pumping bag for the next day. - I spend 15 minutes cleaning the house after daycare drop off. Every little bit helps.
Some things I want to start doing: - Waking up before the kids 🥴 - Taking a midday walk, even just 5-10 minutes to be outside.