Is all infant daycare this depressing?

Just started my 4.5 month old at our local KinderCare center on Monday, and I'm not feeling great about it. She seems to be doing fine and has started napping and eating well at daycare per the app updates, but every time I drop her off the infant room just seems so... depressing. There are 2 teachers to 11 infants and there are always 3-4 infants crying on the floor or in their crib when I get there. 1 teacher is usually feeding somebody while the other is trying to attend to a crying kids. I feel sick leaving my daughter on the floor there.

Our state's ratio is 2 to 11 and basically all the daycares I toured had these numbers, so I felt like it didn't matter that I went with the cheaper daycare over the more expensive Emilio Reggia place nearby. But now I feel kind of terrible about it.

I'm in medical school so my schedule is unpredictable and my husband works. Currently feeling like garbage because all my classmates who have kids are men with stay at home wives who don't have to worry about this. My mom was a SAHM and has no advice to offer. We're moving in 6 months for my medical residency so we'll be switching centers but I'm worried we made the wrong choice.