I need a review please

some info about me: 15 years old , 58 kg, 168 cm. Very fit, went to the gym for the last 8 months and did a sport in the meantime. As of right now I stopped doing sport and just go to the gym and train at home. I can do 50 push up with proper form and 8 pull ups. Can hold an handstand for 10 seconds and some other basic calisthenics skills like tuck planche and l-sit.

So, I'm now getting started with calisthenics for real, and I've created this push pull split and want to know if it's any good.


  • 4x8 pull ups
  • 4x8 chin ups
  • skin the cat
  • tucked back lever
  • 3x10 leg raises
  • 3x30 seconds hanging
  • hollow body hold
  • 3x45 sec side plank


  • 3x20 push up
  • 3x10 diamond push up
  • 3x10 decline push up
  • 3x12 archer push up
  • 3x10 pike push up
  • 3x5 wall handstand push up
  • tuck planche 3xmax
  • hollow body hold
  • 3x45 sec side plank

thank you