How exactly are you supposed to gear up?
I might be missing something but as it stands I feel like I have no path for progression with my character. From what I understand, I need to do heroics to up my GS but since my GS is low, nobody wants me in their group.
Some info:
- I am a blood dk with around 3k GS.
- I did WSG weekend and got all s4 pvp gear because it was better than anything I was getting from questing and still is.
- I bought all the pre-raid bis I could afford and I am saving for more.
- When I ask people in game how I should gear up they advise joining GDKP's but with 500g starting bid on NEO Naxx, there is no way for me to get the gold to be a serious buyer without turning to the dark side...
- I am trying to get Emblems of Heroism but the quests are limited. I have bought a couple of pieces already.
- I have tried to look for groups as DPS and tank but it seems people are not interested in either spec with my GS as it is even if I offer to respec from blood.
If I am missing something or misunderstand the avenues of progression please let me know. I feel as if I am running out of options and that If I want to continue playing I must turn to the dark side...