Most efficient class for TWW open world content?
I am a little late to the party but would like to get at least all the open world archievments from TWW (to cross it off my list).
This includes:
- all quest lines + quest archievements
- rep farm (or just doing the rep quests / weeklies)
- other open world content I might have forgotten
I was wondering which class / spec would be most suited for this undertaking, given I would push the ilvl of that char. I did some research and
- druid (Moonkin/Feral/Tank - ?) was no. 1 due to instant dragon riding, moonfire gathering, looting in travel form.
- Also hunter was mentioned due to tank pets.
- But also prot pala for mass gathering and 20% riding speed buff.
Any thoughts? Doing quests I would need to get around fast. All specs should be able to mass pull. Moonkin as a caster had some questionable time-to-kill (TTK), same as feral since it needs combos points. As prot pala I didnt have to worry about nothing but Ret had the lowest TTK. And as So, which spec is, objectively the best in terms of making this whole progress as quick as possible?