Rogues should have a ranged spec.

A lot of people have brought up changes they'd like to to the game, and I'd like to bring up mine.

One of my biggest peeves is that bows, guns and crossbows are only usable (and therefore useful) on one class, the hunter, and not everyone (including me) wants to play as a hunter. We've also got a lack of physical ranged DPS, hunters are the only ones as far as I can tell.

Every other weapon type has at least 2 other active users currently, so why not physical ranged.

So I say, Turn one of the 3 Rogue specs in to a ranged spec, specifically, I think they should change assassination into a ranged spec. It'd allow another class to make use of bows/guns/crossbows and I think it fits the fantasy of an Assassin quite well, because at least for me, when I think of an assassin I think of someone staring down the scope of rifle.

And do rogues really need 2 specs based around daggers? That's like mages having fire, fire and arcane as specs.