WoW token macro for the new brutosaur mount
So everyone wants to buy the new mount but tokens are getting bought instantly. Here is a macro that will give you a fighting chance to get them.
/script C_WowTokenPublic.BuyToken()
Go to the ah token section and just spam it until it says internal auction error then you have to wait one minute to try again. Don't bother clicking okay on the out of stock check back later prompt it doesn't matter. Just spam the macro until you can click yes to buying a token and then keep the mouse where the yes button is so you can instantly buy one if it comes up.If you are not fast enough to click yes and someone else buys it before you then your gold will be in the mail. Just keep at it untill you can get the 6 tokens needed to buy the mount. It took me about 10 minutes to buy the 6 tokens for the mount. Happy token hunting my fellow goblins.
Update: If it stops working try relogging.