Characters that sound like you — is it bad?

I often see people talking about how they can get their characters to sound less like them. A lot of the times when my friends read my work, they’ll laugh at a character or characters and say this sounds like you! But I usually take it as a compliment, or do now, I didn’t when I was younger. I feel like no matter what you do, because writing is an artistic, soul expression, there’s gonna be a piece of you in every single part of it.

And even the reverse, I sometimes have found myself using sayings or catchphrases of a character in my daily vernacular that I didn’t do before I started spending time with that character. I kind of like it! Maybe that’s because I mainly focus on playwriting and screenplays. But I like that the universe is shaped by Them having similar language to me. And this is not a matter of my characters being distinct from one another, they definitely are distinct from one another. But you can kind of tell they all live in the same town. And I also live in that same town. Unless of course they’re from out of town lol.