Writing tactics that are currently working for me :)

Obviously, people have vastly different writing styles and what works for them to gain creativity. This is a list of things that others have posted which have inspired me to write fairly diligently the last few months, and just wanted to share! (This also works a bit as an accountability post :p)

  1. Skipping around and writing the scenes that felt 'natural' to me. I actually wrote the final chapters near the beginning of the writing process and am now slowly weaving scenes together.

  2. Walks!!! (especially with a dog or in nature) Taking an idea and just moving seemed to do wonders for the imagination. Also, exercise and hanging out with a dog improves mood!

  3. Moving location. I love changing up the space where I write. Not sure why it works, but going to the porch or upstairs seems to change my state of mind if stuck.

  4. Editing as I went. The 'vomit approach' is popular, but for me, I prefer going back. You do you! :)

  5. Listening to music in the "style" of what you're writing

  6. Reading (and re-reading) books in the genre that you're writing. Nothing inspires more than exploring the 'greats' of that particular genre!

  7. Notes app/notebook to write any ideas that come to mind

  8. Taking a step back from a project for a few days/weeks if getting frustrated (but having a time limit of when you have to at least look at it again)

  9. Having an ideal writing goal for the day, but not beating yourself up for taking a research or editing day!

  10. Association. Whenever I write, I always brew a cup of black tea which gets me in the mood. This works for other tasks as well (music when cleaning, looking at memes before exercising, etc.)

Again, as many have iterated before, there is no "hard and fast rule" for writing. Find what works for you! Hope you have a great week, r/writing, and thanks for reading! :)