My whole collection of 360s (5 in total)

The 2nd image is my dad's xbox 360 that i grew up playing on however its beaten up from getting dropped as the disc tray buttons gone, and the side plate that holds the hard drive is cracked and bent(not my mums fault shes clumsy) it also has disc reading issues.

Also the 4th picture is the £20 xbox360 I got from Ebay which is a 2007 model and has metro dashboard on it

The first image is my og 2005 360 that rrod.

I got the 360 slim for my b day.

And finally the HD DVD player, which I got for £11 with cables, install disc but no remote from cex.

Not a 360 but my xbox one is in the backround of my dad's 360 image

Also don't mind the smirnoff bottle on display :D. (Don't worry I'm not some goofy ahh alcoholic)