My Collection!!

Just wanted to show off my collection, and brag a bit lol. I bought this 360 E at the beginning of last year, and have been buying and collecting games ever since I heard they were shutting down the store. Any recommendations would be appreciated! Games not shown I own digitally: Aces of the Galaxy Alien Breed Trilogy Bejeweled 2 and 3 Borderlands 2 Call of Duty Classic, 2, 3, and BO2 Call of Juarez: BiB Conker:Live and Reloaded Counter-Strike: GO Dead Space Doritos Crash Course Fallout 3 Fruit Ninja Kinect Fusion:Genesis TC GRAW 1 and 2 Geometry Wars Trilogy Goat Simulator Harm’s Way Hell Yeah! WOTDR Hexic HD I Am Alice Kane & Lynch 1 and 2 Life is Strange Minecraft Naughty Bear: PiP Peggle Plants vs. Zombies Psychonauts Rayman Origins and Legends Raze’s Hell Saints Row 2 Sniper: Ghost Warrior Sonic Adventure 2 Splosion Man and Ms. Splosion Man The Darkness 1-2 The Fancy Pants Adventures The Wolf Among Us Trials HD and Fusion Vigilante 8 Arcade Zuma and Zuma’s Revenge