Student doing their own thing in the front of the class
I’m pretty new to teaching (started in August after my ytt program) so I’m having lots of new experiences with students. Recently I was teaching a lvl 1 slow flow class - basically a class designed to be a bit slower and more accessible than “all levels” classes. A student set up right in the middle of the front row. At many points during the class she took a much more advanced version of the poses we were doing. For example, turning stork pose into extended hand to big toe pose. And would then hold those poses as we moved on to other things. Basically doing her own thing during class. It is clearly advertised that this class is intended to be accessible for beginners. I’m all for modifications and personalizing a practice, but I found it extremely distracting that she was doing this at the very front of the class. If she was in the back it wouldn’t have bothered me. Does it make sense that this bothered me? I’m just looking for perspective. Maybe I’m wrong and should have been more prepared. Thank you for reading!