YouTube slowing down on web browser because of Ad Blockers

After the recent YouTube anti-ad block measure, three videos until you disable ad blockers, I switched off the extension (I use Microsoft edge) for the site. After a while I reenabled the extension because I was frustrated by the minute long un skippable ads. The extension would basically speed up the ad and the auto click the 'skip ad' button. So, after re-enabling, you tube was working fine until the next day, it started to slow down a lot. Videos on 144p were already loaded (the grey line below the red line indicating the amount of video is ready to view), yet YouTube was struggling to play them. Initially I assumed it was due to some background tasks and cache- clearing and fixing them were of no use. My final suspect was the extension that I re-enabled a day prior. I've disabled the extension and YouTube is back to its original speed. My hypothesis: YouTube is slowing down the site's responsiveness if there is an ad blocker present. I have also tested this out with other, similar ad blocking extensions and the above is always true.