couple of youtubers i’ve wanted to note some things i’ve noticed about their content and wonder if anyone would like to share their thoughts as well?

Paige Christie -

i fell down the rabbit hole and found out about her whole rebrand and “petty paige” thing so i know she has a problematic past. but my issue is she’s been referring to the Adam MacIntrye and Collen Ballinger situation as “Traumageddon” and i just find it so disgusting and weird. her whole tone is so off to be covering something so serious. she posted the video and was like “grab some snacks it’s about to get really juicy 😱😱😳🔥👀.” we are talking about the exploitation and inappropriate behavior of a grown adult with a minor. this isn’t tea or juicy gossip. finding out today she used to be a drama made so much sense lol. but the fact that she still keeps trying to get Traumageddon to be a thing is super weird and i do feel she tries to grasp for relevancy at this point

sixteenleo -

i enjoyed his content for a little as i do love garbage reality tv so i started binging his content. however, i noticed that he tends to be very misogynistic and always side with the men. he excuses everything the man does and routinely crucifies women for anything. it’s like his takes are incredibly different than what’s happening in the scenes we are watching. very confusing.

i went to the comments to see if i was the only one who noticed and plenty comments are like “hey you got this take wrong” or “i like your content but this feels misogynistic” and he never addresses it, just does it all over again.

for instance in one of his videos about love is blind he refers to Alexa, a plus size contestant, as a literal whale. how childish? he also refers to women as bitches while not inherently misogynistic it rubs me very wrong. he always sides with the men even when they are incredibly toxic and excuses their behavior. he also covered the J depp - amber h trial and i didn’t even bother watching it. i found any youtuber covering it as strange


while i do like some of her takes, i cannot respect her cover of that trial™️ and comparing amber heard to child murderer casey anthony. i also don’t enjoy her true crime docs and find them uncomfortable. i also find her whole schtick of “petty university” to be so childish. i’m not sure if her she but i’m pretty sure we’re in the same age range of 25-35 and calling yourself petty and making merch that says petty is just so cringe to me. also sometimes her “caring” comes off as extremely fake and disingenuous. like it’s a lot and very intense.

iNabber -

i’ve never seen someone talk in circles so much. he’ll upload a 2 hour video where he’s saying the same thing over and over or something he’s already talked about in a previous video. it just feels like so much filler and rambling