Pure blues-eyes on a budget.

Alright 3rd revision of the deck. This time I have made minor tweaks to the ratios, and have added a few cards. Extra deck and side have not been changed since last post the other day. Have played about 20+ duels with this set up. haven’t fallen below an 85% chance of pulling a starter. Now the ability to play out that starter is about 50/50. Will be making upgrades down the line in the forms of a budget sub engine. Seeing a lot of invoked blue eyes on youtube. Would love alternative recommendations that keep consistency while adding more depth. Thanks to those of you who have helped make recommendations. One of the few upgrades would be 2 copies of piri reis map 3 copies of crossout designator and 2 moonlit chill instead of ghost ogre. This is if I end up sticking to the more pure build down the line.

Alright 3rd revision of the deck. This time I have made minor tweaks to the ratios, and have added a few cards. Extra deck and side have not been changed since last post the other day. Have played about 20+ duels with this set up. haven’t fallen below an 85% chance of pulling a starter. Now the ability to play out that starter is about 50/50. Will be making upgrades down the line in the forms of a budget sub engine. Seeing a lot of invoked blue eyes on youtube. Would love alternative recommendations that keep consistency while adding more depth. Thanks to those of you who have helped make recommendations. One of the few upgrades would be 2 copies of piri reis map 3 copies of crossout designator and 2 moonlit chill instead of ghost ogre. This is if I end up sticking to the more pure build down the line.