1st short views = 1k+ and now just 1 0r 2. What's happening?
My latest album "the microphone is 3 electric guitars" just dropped. In this album, I record a piano using 3 electric guitars as a microphone. It's called "the microphone is 3 electric guitars" because the microphone is 3 electric guitars.
I cant like a girl at all unless she genuinely likes me
Why will anyone click on your video from 3.7 million videos that gets uploaded daily?
Is there any real way to protect original lyrics in AI generated music?
Is this gonna get shut this down?
What is your 1st 100 Subs story?
Video tools / sites
Is there a way to keep the same voice across songs?
Drop your best Suno Song
The music generated by SUNO AI sounds very low, even when increasing the decibels (dB).
AI is Ruining Everything and I’m Tired of It
Posting to Spotify: Feels Interesting
A sneak peak of my latest album "the microphone is 3 electric guitars". In this album, I record a piano using 3 electric guitars as a microphone. It's called "the microphone is 3 electric guitars" because the microphone is 3 electric guitars.
Pros of making aongs public on Suno?
S p e c t r e - the microphone is 3 electric guitars
V4 still has that "suno buzz"
This is an acoustic piano, but the microphone is 3 electric guitars
does anyone else have strange headaches after using ai software for awhile?
Do you feel a sense of ownership?
Is anyone else hearing static in their tracks?