Why did it take God 6 days to create?
Who is Your Most Irrationally Disliked Side Character?
What would you consider to be a very normal thing in your country that foreigners would find weird?
What sound makes you feel good?
What's something oddly specific that infuriates you, but calling it out makes you seem like an asshole?
What's a sound that makes you smile?
What’s a red flag that makes you walk away from someone?
How is The French Connection considered a classic?
What sweets to you consider to be the most overrated?
What is something minor that just irritates you?
Which "so bad, it's good" movie/film is your favorite?
Name one historical person who was presented as a good guy to the world but was actually evil ?
Recommend a movie about friendship
Whose sudden death shocked you?
What’s a “harmless” thing that actually has terrifying consequences?
What’s a “green flag” in a person that most people overlook?
What are some tough but essential truths everyone should know by the age of 30?
If you could swap lives with someone for a day, who would it be? why?
What's a sign that someone has been through a lot of emotional or psychological trauma in their life?
If "crop dusting" is doing a drive-by fart, what would you call farting on an escalator?
What makes you lose all respect for a person?
What’s the adult equivalent of realizing that Santa Claus doesn’t exist?
What’s the most forgettable Friends episode?
There are 10 minutes left until the end of the world. What would you do during this period?
What is an alternative to Reddit?