ReSetna and Prince of Persia giveaway
updated boss based on feedback!
Puzzle Genre: 10 Games to Check Out
Ich mag keine Schweizer
Was zum Kuckuck habe ich da in meinem Messikeller gefunden?
What Have You Been Playing This Week?
Tell me your top 10 MVs
Am I the only one who thinks Ender Magnolia was just ok?
Confession - I rarely beat the final boss
What makes you power off?
Struggling with modern point and click adventures games recently!
Twilight Monk is great so far!
Update: trying to give the game a chance.
I am not Enjoying The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
Join the Twilight Monk Playtest!! Jan 30 ~ Feb 2 11PM!
Ender Lillies now "free" with Amazon Prime
The map so far in Lone Fungus: Melody of Spores, minus some secrets and stuff :>
Don't like this. Found Blashemphos much better.
Hob is a metroidvania?
Architekt: "Wie soll das Haus denn aussehen?" – Bauherr: "Och, wie alle anderen Häuser in der Nachbarschaft."
Deutsche Literatur in 10 Schwierigkeitsgraden
Question about Death's Gambit map markers
Opinions on Monster Boy and Cursed Kingdom?
Which gameplay mechanics would you like to see more of, and which ones less?
Somber Echoes just released on Steam!