I understand now
Again, FACTS and not opinions
The amount of people who believes they are STUCK in Bronze/Silver due to bad luck and teammates is insane. If you truly believe it, please explain why.
Would you guys watch a movie where these 3 teamed up?
Can we all agree that the best part of the game is..
Why people always say that Spider-Man 2 or Miles Morales spinoff game are worst Spider-Man games, like Tasm 2 game was never exist ?
Is anyone else thinking this too?
why do some people’s legs or bodies shake after an orgasm, even if they weren’t using those muscles?
Check out my cool ninja OCs
You just know some real shit went down in team chat by looking at the likes.
can i be your pocket healer? :3
Sue Storm Feet ❤️🔥
Whose text are you answering?
Psylocke players wearing the Vengeance skin = Freeuse sluts! (jtopau) [edit]
Hard stuck bronze told me bronze was harder to solo climb out of than gold and plat
Anybody know when shes gonna be released?
Chinese who have done/are doing their higher studies abroad, who did/do you find more comfortable and easier to socialize with - the locals (Americans in case of USA, British in case of UK) or other internationals (Indians, Persians, Koreans, etc.)?
The hardest screenshot I've captured in a while.
Anyone else looking forward to the release of Squid Game 2 MORE than Christmas Day?
Merry Christmas
I would like to see indicators on which characters are speaking to each other before the match. Sometimes its easy to tell but others times not.
Who Would Make Your Dream Roster of 10 Fighting Game Characters?
rank distribution compared to other games
Competitive isn't the place to learn a new champ...surely that's well understood?
To the people who are always the sole healer for 5 duelists, why are you still trying to heal them and taking the blame?