Lazy siblings
Insane Desires
I want a amzing thriller book
Can't find a Somali girl who matches my standards in the deen
Is 50k meher normal in usa
Is there a book that helps me understand why someone is religious?
Shooting your shot
We're Starving
Need Advice on Marriage
Where/how do you actually find a spouse?
Where to find shy and reserved religious somali girls?
What are your standards for good friendship?
Why are you single ?
Would you be offended if the person you were planning on marrying asked you to do a STD test or prenup before the nikkah?
Trying to find a Somali wife.
Do Somali women want the guy to talk to their dad first?
Somali women are tough to approach.
Ramadan is coming to an end, but that doesn't mean all the good habits you have cultivated need to end too
Freemixing not taken seriously in our culture?
My wife wears shorts around the kids
Weekly Marriage Criteria & Services Megathread!
Being long distance for 3+ years