If you are currently smoking weed please quit it now
Awkwardness throughout maths
Any Anglo Saxon game recomendations ?
Is it normal to feel slow and experience brain fog 1 week after quitting?
When will this go away
Multiple TikTok accounts posting the same videos of Chinese girls in public
Body cam footage of Springfield women shot in the face by Sangamon county officers.
Chat am I ugly
First time parent what should I name it?
What to do in a class with immature classmates?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Anyone know what this white dot is inside my cart?
Gum recession on one tooth
How do I make effoc videos?
How do you make one of those cursed effoc videos?
I need some funds
My mom doesn’t believe good white people exist.
Family are saying I have a mental disorder for eating healthy and having a basic sense of self hygiene
What is a better wheel?
Are any of these libs?
I need help to identify, are these Liberty Caps?
Could anyone tell me what these videos are? They just seems really strange