They gave me a year 9 ticket for completing the battle pass
How much would a golden clover charm go for?
Exemplary background
So sad I pulled it cuz I get to hear "chupi for what" every time i die to a xim in customs.
1/4 of the way to my goal of opening 275 packs at once
yall think onami will stay at 7k till the end of the season? Cuz I wanna see if i can unpack it and if not then just buy it
Latest nabs
5.7 Glacier
Are any of these rare/expensive/sought after?
piercing vision skin
why are yall panic selling chroma streaks
No yr10 bravo packs??
The fuck does that mean Kobe Bryant?
Is this an actual dev?.
Ace victory badge
Does anyone know how to get this animated card background?
What Battlepass Level Are You?
Am I the only one who's having trouble like this?
W or L invest???
How dose sniping work 😭😭
Trash skins being sold for crazy prices
What does this mean?
R6 credit transfer