Don’t Apologize Donate
Did anyone watch Zelensky Trump conference? Never saw anything like this in my life time.
Came home to some lights not turning on to motion/presence. Checked and saw that Z2M and the devices is still working when controlling within Z2M, but it isn't working within HA, nor some of the automations that's within node-red. What's the reason for this? This happens randomly in the last few mth
Exporting list of disabled accounts from Disabled accounts with read and write permissions on Azure resources should be removed
Tesla-showroom in Den Haag beklad met hakenkruizen en leuzen
11-jarig meisje doodgestoken in Nieuwegein, verdachte (29) opgepakt
Mensen onwel na actie Extinction Rebellion in kledingwinkel Naaldwijk
In Flight Risk 2025... wait this might actually be a hall of fame hilariously bad poster.
Giveaway for the season of witchcraft battlepass
Waarom is de levensverwachting in Vlaanderen hoger dan in Nederland?
Wat is nu een goed alarmsysteem?
An update from Nintendo
No one will notice the brief stick drop, post the video anyway, only you will notice the tiny details
Metalen plaat van magnetron kwam los, is dit zonder ook veilig te gebruiken?
Is there ANY way I can get this to go faster? (Like motor upgrades, gearing, settings maybe?) at most it tops out at 5 mph, on a good day, fully charged….. while going down hill.
What is this note for?
Extracting water from mud
Huis gekocht, douche onbruikbaar
A clown playing drums with balls.
I feel sick regarding fireworks
Moertje is foetsie
Teens pissing on front doors
Christmas Eve has been harder than I expected.
when you forget about that one ping command...
Schade aan net gelaats zonnepaneel