There is just so much going on...
I’m never getting the sex I want
How do I make a girlfriend?
coochie colors vent
I'm a weak independent woman😭
Introverts and nudity
Need advise - want to throw the phone against a wall
Tried a anime inspired edit 😁
i'm lonely and bored
Would my friend who took her own life meet her father in the afterlife?
I think it's about time that I say this🙄
As an introvert, how do you feel about social media?
Do you act differently in person than you do behind a screen?
Deegoogling is done Okay. But what about Reddit trackers?
Best way to make s21fe MagSafe compatible?
How many friends do yall have?
Re-post cause previous post got deleted
How premanad ji beautified the Hinduism
Should I get rid of my device before I get the line?
Is the Galaxy S21 FE Worth Buying Used for $150-$250?
I love how it manages macro shots ♡
Muslim girl interested to practice Hinduism
Tribal Resources of Odisha
Two Months of Solitude, Now I’m Avoiding People—Is This Normal?