noen andre som ikke klarer å snakke?
anyone else can't talk around others?
Does it ever get better
I wish I had gotten better help
hvordan lage en ny venn?
how do people make a new friend?
someone needs to teach me how to make a friend cuz...
im not feeling good im feeling lonely and not good
what do people who have absolutely no friends do?
I need to talk to someone. I'm not okay.
20M-you won't regret talking to me
What are your feelings or thoughts on lonely people using AI to help it?
Nighttime = loneliness kicking in
22F needing a friend
Help me get through the night
I didn’t realize I have been depressed.
I’m going insane
I can't stand people anymore.
I think it’s safe to say I’m not okay
I'm so fkin lonely
I'm 20 female. no motivation to do anything because I live with my parents.
holy fucking shit i’m so fucking done
Id like someone to talk and rant to