So the New Parmesan Stuff Pizza $9.99 Deal is now Available...
$9.99 Pizzas
Some of the best looking pizza I’ve seen on a 1 star review lol
Thank you Domino's... I love losing great drivers to these horrible deals...Full details below.
My $9.99 pizza, $50 for this is lowkey insane
Sexual attraction to female friends
Is only wanting a romantic relationship wrong?
What has he seen?
Would you judge a partner for their past encounters?
Is having sex on a first date a common experience for most people?
What do you think long term single people are doing that is holding themselves back from finding a lasting relationship?
Why is it that people don’t seem interested in relationships anymore?
Is it racist that I only like white girls?
What could women be doing better in bed ?
(38M) I am really not sure what to do.
How many men would have a MFF threesome (with their wife), if your wife asked you to?
Will not being promiscuous in your 20s make you crave that when you’re older?
Did your father ever tell you he was proud of you?
My porn addiction warped my sexuality. Is it possible to change it back?
What are some cutesy things that guys are affraid to admit that they like?
What is a weak man?
i was on a date last night, i was complimenting him about his personality basically cute & stuff, he said “no one has ever said that to me before.” i feel so sad for men now, is it really that bad?
Should I loose my virginity to a milf?
Is love useless?
What is one thing that is destroying our world?