Touch grass bro! I swear outside your house women are so nice! The woman outside:
5'10 is short bro (while this is the difference beetween 6' and 5'10) LOL delulu 5'10 kings.
Told a girl I’m 5’11 (I’m 5’8)
Is 5’9.5 over tier?
Thoughts on welfare programs?
"You're not very tall, are you?" Manlets been getting roasted for centuries
Short men are more than just disliked they are hated look at that repulsed reaction
get up inkwell!
I’m now officially 6’2 on my driver’s license. 😎
If they can't tell me where it's from, I'm not buying it.
am i wrong here let me know
Good morning Brampton
My coworker everybody
Thought the guy driving behind me belonged here
Wanted to park beside him so bad
Cries about US potentially withdrawing aid to Ukraine, and makes posts like this. Europeans are mad dumb
KIA Norway sticker campaign
Can’t find work ?
First meeting of american and russian envoys in Saudi Arabia, with foreign ministers Rubio and Lavrov
Europe combined has sent more aid to Ukraine than USA
Truck rages because I slowed down to take a turn, cuts me off and then speeds off.
Amazing reverse skills
Can we park on rogers road today?
Please help find any information
Summer tires on an RWD car in the winter..