One boop please!
One boop please
Good boy Mr Shep!
How to reduce dog reactivity in a gsd?
We need a name!
Blitzen is back for more!
Likely the most toxic behavior I've ever seen from a gaming community towards new players. Shameful.
Family said it was too raw
Blood Stripes
Blitzen sends his regards.
Naughty puppy is a completely different dog around kids
AIO if I send these texts to her parents?
Update on my dog eating his poop
What did everyone get for a Xmas bonus ?
[TOMT] Older song (1950-1960) Where a guy is singing about having women in wait for him around the world, while naming the cities and countries.
Update - Gf used exs phone
Well… There you are!!
Little bling for the truck
Wisconsin Public Radio News: Fewer men in rural Wisconsin participating in the workforce, citing lack of respect on the job
Day 1 of trying to get a comment from every Wisconsin county
Hm, wonder what these service dogs do? 🤔
Another dog owner hit my dog
Any idea what happened to our poor tree?
Mountain Lion?