What is the lore reason behind radhan turning red? Was he very angry?
when do we ban cheaters on planetside 2?
Dread it, run from it, NC's destiny still arrives.
Is there a lore reason why hunters sharpen their hammers? Are they stupid?
Guys my gamecube’s not workig properly can somebody help??
I despise Masanori Hata.
Hey American accept this trade
Ultimate GameCube
I've been called an A2G sh*tter, oh...maybe they have a point.
Just wanted to post how truly bad shape this gamecube is in🤣
What if the fans made a kick starter to buy the IP?
It’s not a problem I swear
JustUnsubbed from logodesign
We all better refer to Trump with „she/her“ now.
My friends said I take notes like a girl. Do you agree?
It’s true isn’t it
Just Unsubbed from Fortnite Rocket Racing of all places
I wanna know is it normal to still buy and have plushies at 15 years old?
Be like the man who refuses to do the salute 🥺
Rape my fit out of 10
Just unsubbed from reddit entirely. It will be just politician hate for 4 more years
What Should I Get Next?
Can never remember the third guy’s name
Bloodborne base game sucks