Is she East, Southeast, or Central Asian?
Are Filipino men cooked?
Almira Tursyn is a Kazakh-Jewish actress and model
Marriages in Kazakhstan
Aryana Kiplyuks is a Latvian-Buryat model from Russia
Uyghur beauty standards from China and Kazakhstan
What's her phenotype and in which countries could she pass?
Ginger Asian. Can you guess her ethnicity?
Yulduz Rajabova is an Uzbek (Central Asian) actress.
Who’s the most beautiful Turkish actress?
Where can she pass as a native? She has a Persian Dad and a Kazakh Mom
What is her phenotype? And where could pass objectively?
What's my phenotype? I am ethnically Swedish and Finnish.
Classify by Phenotype/Ethnicity/Where does she pass?
For those who do not believe that Kazakhs can be like that without a mixture of Europeans.
highly rated actors/actresses on this sub and their parents
Can this girl pass as eastern european?
What’s her ethnicity and phenotype?
How do Central Asians feel about Trump?
Aygerim Maksutova is a kazakh (Central Asian) actress and model with grey eyes.
Do most hapas look Slavic?