Not mine, found on Facebook!
Not mine, Found on Facebook!
Cherry/Pear Tree Cuttings
Meyer seedling polyembryony test results (text in comment)
Are these new branches and leaves rootstock or real orange?
Variegated Potho's Cutting!!
Variegated Potho's Cutting
Potho's Cutting!
Branches Bending with String, Please Advise!!
My! Cat! Is! An! ASSHOLE!!!! Please roast her!!
Curious to hear from others who grow citrus outside their zone about their technics and experiences.
My man and I are making homemade Taco we turn into burritos ❤️😋😋
Musk: I don't think your finger is in the right place, that is your finger right? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Found these on Pinterest 🤣🤣
Found them both on Facebook 🤣🤣🤣
My man I made Tacos for Supper tonight! I love cooking with my man ❤️❤️😋😋
I found these on Pinterest thought you might get a laugh, I was DYING reading some of them 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😔🤣
Why is my arctic pothos dead?!
Not mine, found it on Facebook! What are your thoughts on this one? 🙃🙃🤣🤣
Saw this somewhere else, its not mine but I thought I'd share it here 🙃🤣
Saw this somewhere else, it's not mine but I thought I'd share it here 🙃🤣 Out of curiosity if you could, what tips would you give the person I "borrowed" the post from to help maximize their success? 🤔🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Roast my Kitten!
Are all torties this disappointed in their owners? 😂
What chilies do you recommend I plant?