Deportation in 5..4...3....
That men finally shows some gay pride...
Donald Trump and George Washington fight each other for a salami!
Tuesday morning
As Trump tries to burn the constitution....somebody wakes up.....
My Nazi-killing Ukrainian grandpa in Austria post-WWII after losing his leg on the Russian front.
Trump is very proud that his mass deportation totally works........
Blursed bear
Donald Trump promotes Goya Foods products....
What Trudeau should have said...
An examinee in the right column wore a Nazi outfit during an engineering admission test
Doing cocaine....... the Donald Trump way!
Britney Spears VR expirience
Charge of the screaming pigs
Pleas do not do that.....
Samurai vs tentacle monster.
Big-Foot sits in a field and has a smoke break.
Close encounter
Stairs to the galaxys
Choose your trail.